Business Plan

Surrey Place provides specialized clinical services that are responsive to individual’s needs and promote health and well-being in the Toronto region. We help children and adults living with developmental disabilities, autism spectrum disorder and visual impairments reach their full potential.

2018-2019 Operational Plan Update

1.  Strengthening Our Capacity

Strategically invest in our people and infrastructure

Operational Goals

  • Increase efficiency
  • Enhance employee experience

2018-19 Results

  • Further refinements to finance, human resource & payroll systems
  • Progress with electronic health records modernization and integration
  • Efficiencies in photocopiers, data collection & business intelligence
  • Accessibility upgrades for clients and staff
  • Online training platform for staff development
  • Lean Six Sigma training for key staff
  • New Psychological Health and Safety Policy & Not Myself Today program
  • Organizational design refinements

2. Bridge Gaps in the System

Expand health system collaboration

Operational Goals

  • Increased access to healthcare

2018-19 Results

  • Launch of Transitional Age Clinic in partnership with St. Michael’s Hospital
  • Launch of Developmental Disabilities Primary Healthcare website and tools
  • Expansion of Northern Ontario partnership with the Sioux Lookout Health Authority

3. Leverage Our Life-Span Model

Improve best practices for all age groups

Operational Goals

  • Improve pathways & transitions
  • Reorganize levels of service
  • Address underserved populations

2018-19 Results

  • Launch of the Plus 45 team providing clinical supports to seniors with an IDD
  • Ongoing systems partnerships for homeless persons across the province
  • New all age Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders eam with service navigation support
  • Increased Indigenous services
  • Launch of Parent Advisory Committee
  • Launch of the Lived Experience Accelerator Program (LEAP) for young adults

4. Shape The Future

Enhance provincial services

Operational Goals

  • Enhance government, stakeholder and advocacy efforts

2018-19 Results

  • Expansion of diversified funding streams with one-time and recurring revenues with the provincial government, foundations, corporations and partnerships like the Government of Ontario, Sioux Lookout Health Authority, Ontario Trillium Foundation and Inner City Health

5. Build A Centre of Excellence

Create and share knowledge

Operational Goals

  • Enhance capacity for evidence informed practice through research, evaluation & education by continuing to work with our partners

2018-19 Results

  • Expanded research with Health Care Access Research and Developmental Disabilites (H-CARDD) projects and development of Sexual Health tools for women with Intellectual Disabilities
  • Launch of the online Individualized Funding Library
  • Successful ABA Jam conference with over 500 attendees


3 Year Expenditure Trend ($’000)


Summarized Statement of Financial Position

As of March 31, 2019, with comparative figures for 2018

Cash and cash equivalents$7,646,105$8,646,155
Receivables and prepaids$1,800,232$3,432,057
Property and equipment$4,462,587$3,069,739
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities$5,432,709$4,851,932
Deferred revenue$3,477,690$6,694,628
Deferred contributions for property and equipment$4,096,931$2,999,676
Net Assets
Invested in property and equipment$367,079$67,079
Internally restricted reserve fund$157,284$157,284
Unrestricted operating $377,231$377,352

Funding Sources

Summarized Statement of Operations

Year ended March 31, 2019, with comparative figures for 2018

Provincial government$60,611,324$77,534,701
Municipal Government$852,736$1,067,339
Fee for service and grant revenue$427,998$1,385,070
Other revenue$1,143,773$136,122
Amortization of deferred contributions $775,195$671,642
Program Expenses$62,610,789$79,899,461
Administration recoveries($4,553,610)($4,805,574)
Amortization of property and equipment$777,293$671,210
Excess of revenue over expenses$8,028$121

2017-19 Key Performance Metrics

Key Performance Indicators for the Three Years Ended March 31, 2017, 2018 and 2019.

Key Performance Indicators Definition 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 3 Yr. Change
Growth in service delivery revenue Revenue from all sources $53,386,583 $63,811,026 $80,794,874 51.3%
% Spent on programs % of total expenditures on programs 92.6% 92.6% 94.1% 1.6%
Budget management effectiveness Surplus (deficit) for the year $19,826 $8,028 $121 -99.4%
Cash flow effectiveness Current assets less current liabilities $527,762 $535,938 $531,652 0.7%
Community partner service delivery support Payments to partner agencies for service delivery $4,843,116 $6,497,181 $8,152,301 68.3%
1Growth in clients served Unique clients served per year 9,796 9,701 13,051 33.2%
Organization wide quality standards with Accreditation Canada 4 year third party assessment against national health care standards Accredited 2016-2020 status
Organization wide risk assessment (Transfer Payment Risk Assessment) 3 year provincial government organizational risk assessment 2018 low risk rating assessment status
Program specific quality standards (Quality Assurance Measures) Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services annual assessments against provincial service delivery standards 2018 audit compliance achievement for adult and Developmental Services Ontario, Toronto Region
Successful Proposals Number of successful grants and total $ raised 4 successful proposals, with $817,994 recognized in 2018-19
1Includes active Developmental Services Ontario, Toronto Region. Excluding this program the numbers would be 7,155, 7,087 and 9,942 for 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19 respectively. The increase in clients served in 2018-19 is partially attributed to a change in government definitions around autism foundational and family services. When adjusted for this change the increase in clients served from 2017-18 to 2018-19 was 21%.

Our Services Have Reached


Infants, children, youth and
adults served in 2018-19


of individuals are infants
0 to 6 years old 1


of individuals are children and
youth 6 to 18 years old1


individuals are adults
over 18 years old1

Total unique individuals served during the period April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019 – Reviewed and approved by Director, Quality and Decision Support


of individuals identify as Male 1


of individuals identify as Female1


individuals speak English as their second language1


individuals speak English as their first language1

Clients Reside in East Toronto

Clients Reside in South Toronto

Clients Reside in North Toronto

Clients Reside in West Toronto

Clients reside in Northern Ontario and other communities

1Characteristics of individuals served during the period April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019 – Reviewed and approved by Director, Quality and Decision Support

2018-19 Operational Plan

1. Strengthening Our Capacity

Strategically invest in our people and infrastructure

Operational Goals

  • Increase efficiency
  • Enhance employee experience

2. Bridge Gaps in the System

Expand health system collaboration

Operational Goals

  • Increased access to healthcare
  • Enhance employee experience

3. Leverage Our Life-Span Model

Improve best practices for all age groups

Operational Goals

  • Improve pathways & transitions
  • Reorganize levels of service
  • Address underserved populations

4. Shape The Future

Enhance provincial services

Operational Goals

  • Enhance government, stakeholder and advocacy efforts

5. Build A Centre of Excellence

Create and share knowledge

Operational Goals

  • Enhance capacity for evidence informed practice through research, evaluation & education by continuing to work with our partners