Message from our CEO
& Board President
To our community:
In 2019/20, we took significant strides towards helping people of all ages with developmental disabilities and autism spectrum disorders to lead healthy, and socially inclusive lives. On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff at Surrey Place, we are proud to share our achievements with you in this year’s annual report.
In the last fiscal year, we worked within an environment with a great deal of ambiguity, but this only encouraged us to innovate, push forward, and find new opportunities to grow and improve our work. Notably, the changes to the Ontario Autism Program created uncertainty for our clients and families, and it was challenging for them to cope and transition to a new program. To help them adjust, we began providing more services online for families who needed access and made more offerings available through childhood budgets.
We also saw an opportunity to build upon our business-to-business offerings, like our fetal alcohol spectrum disorder diagnostic services. We started to look beyond Toronto’s borders and into other sectors like the justice system to connect and increase services.
Though it was the timely investments we made to our back-end operations that have allowed our staff to work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic successfully. We now have a CRM system that helps us work better across different departments by sharing electronic health records for clients. We also have benefited from the system modernizations and the launch of Office365 at Surrey Place.
While the pandemic has changed so much of the way we work today, we are focused on upholding our high-quality services and innovating the way we deliver these services. We have over 50 years of experience supporting individuals with developmental disabilities. Still, we remain committed to providing our clients, families and caregivers with the best possible service. We won’t ever stop advocating for the representation of their distinct needs, and access to appropriate healthcare and mental health supports.
By building a strong foundation executing our last five-year strategic plan, we are primed to take flight heading into the 2020-2022 Strategic Plan. This progress would not have been achieved without the dedication from our Board of Directors – thank you for your time, vision, and support. We also want to thank the Surrey Place staff, who never rest and bring their skills and heart to work every day. Last, we want to thank the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services and the Ministry of Health, who have confidence in our work and continue to be our main funders, enabling us to do the vital work we do.
Terri Hewitt, Ph.D., C. Psych.
Chief Executive Officer
Helen Wojcinski,
Board President
Our Impact
Unique Clients + Caregivers* per year,
including DSO-Toronto Region clients.
of clients are infants 0-6 years old
of clients are children & youth 6-18 years old
of clients are adults over 18 years old
Highlighted Achievements

Meet Our Donors and Funders
Adam Weinberg
Adrienne Carmichael
Alain Mootoo
Alan Flint
Alejandro Revollo
Alicia Sarris
Alison and Peter Papageorgakobulos
Allison Pedley
Allison Zetter
Alyssa and David Catzma
Alyssa Zendel
Andi and Ian Rolin
Andrea Ng
Annita Baichan
Anthony Cromie
Arlene Rawson
Ashley Rolin
Barry Bernstein
Barry Isaacs
Beatriz Aguillon
Ben & Hilda Katz Charitable Foundation
Bradley and Jennifer Halfin
Bruce Edwards
Bruce Wilson
Caitlin Kinnear
Canada Summer Jobs
Carmel Boulet
Carrie Swartz
Casey Savlov
Cecilia Andres
Celine Gatt
Chris Acres
Chris Martins
Cindy King
City of Toronto – Access and Equity Awards
Corey Giovanella
Cresa Foundation
Daniel Milotti
Danielle D’Alessandro
Daoyi Chen
Dave Tih
David Bradfield
Deon Alhadeff
Elaine Zeidel
Elsa Swedko
Etobicoke Brighter Futures Coalition
Frank Turner
Genevieve Lavoie
Gil Fischler
Greg Psaralogos
Heidi Diepstra
Heidi Mitchell
Hilary Windover
Hoa L. Smith
Janet Vogt
Jason Clarke
Jeanny Scantlebury
Jennifer Allan
Jennifer Howey
Jennifer Waxman
Jessica Lee
Joanna Tukums
Joanne Kieffer
Josh Miller
Joshua Silver
Julie Casey
Julie Ross
Karen Hershenfield
Karen White
Kevin Dennis
Kevin Ng
Kimberly Aguillon
Lidia Ferrari
Linette Partridge
Lisa Bruce
Lisa Ramlal
Maple Leafs Sports & Entertainment
Marbeth McLean
Marc and Stacey
Margaret Howard
Marja McKay
Mark Bruce
Mary Ann Nagel
Mary-Lyn Kieffer
Matt Amann
Maureen Switzman
Maurice Alhadeff
Melissa Lavallee
Michael and Lindsay Ross
Michael Goodman
Michael Schacter
Michelle Petrides
Michelle Ross
Mike Binns
Mike Brand
Muriel Flynn
Nancy Freeman
Neil Zeidel
Nicky Cohen
Norie Anlacan
Ontario Brain Institute
Pat Patterson
Paul Szikszai
Pearl Jones
Philicia Cohen
Ricki Fenwick
Robert Perkins
Sarah Martin
Sarah Patterson
Sari Winston
Scot Zack
Shira Taylor
Shirley Levy
Stacey Koffman
Stephan Tepper
Steve and Anella Sax
Sutton Education Foundation Trust
Tai-Hing Hui
Terri Hewitt
The Bernstein Family
Tim Kallinis
Tracey Wise
Trina Rogers
Tyler Smith
Valerie Temple
Vera Gutmanovitiz
William Sullivan
William Wilder
Woodcliff Management Group Inc
Yael Pressman
This list reflects donations and funders for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020. We apologize for the accidental misspelling or omissions. If you have not been appropriately recognized, please email, and we will correct the oversight.
Board of Directors